
Market Expansion Opportunity

At Cinkoon, we are always on the lookout for innovative products and brands in relation to the construction and building materials industry.

As we continue to expand our stable of products for our customers, we would like to assist potential businesses to penetrate new and existing markets, especially Malaysia and Southeast Asia where we have a strong and solid footing. Our strong distribution network, experienced personnel and highly equipped warehousing facilities allow us to expand the revenue opportunities and market shares of your brand.

More than just merely promoting your brand, we are looking to integrate businesses to form versatile solutions suitable for our customers. We adopt a proactive approach for the brands that we carry and a win-win situation for all. If you are interested to expand your brand in the building materials industry in Malaysia and Southeast Asia, contact us today.

Our partners


Expand Your Market!

As the trusted name in Malaysia's building materials industry, we are constantly searching for innovative products and solutions. If you are interested to have us promote your products, let us help you here. 

Distributors Required

At Cinkoon, we are passionate about growing Malaysia's building materials industry through establishing long-lasting business networks. Be a part of this network today.